Category Archives: Words of wisdom

One minute millionaire – Time management tips

One minute millionaire by Robert G. Allen

Activity Management

Tip 1 – Focus on the critical few. Eighty-five percent of the things you do account for only 15% of your results. And vice versa. Therefore, only work on the critical things and y9ou’ll get there faster and with less effort.

Tip 2 – Learn how to procrastinate. Procrastination is absolutely essential to your success. Just make sure you procrastiante the right things. Put off 85% and tackle the 15%. Losers do jut the opposite. They tackle 85% and put off the 15%.

Tip 3 – Throw away your “to-do” list. Create instead an 85/15 list. Write the top-priority items at the top in the 15% box. Write the lower-priority items at the bottom. Only work on the top of your list.

Tip 4 – Reward yourself for doing the right things. There’s a great book by Micheal LebBoeuf, called GMP: The Greatest Management princicple in the world. Here’s the book in a nutshell: The Things That Get Rewarded Get Done. If you reward yourself for your most positive actions, you will get more of them done… almost effortlessly.

Tip 5 – Do your FTF: Feared Things First. Which activity on your list do you fear most? That’s your FTF. When you start your day, ask yourself, “What’s my FTF today?” Start your day with that activity. By training yourself to do your FTF, you uncounsiously urge yourself to tackle tougher tasks.

Tip 6- Do a daily power hour. Take a few minutes every day – it doesn’t need to be an hour – for planning. Planning is like a rehearsal. Every great actor rehearses many tomes before stepping on the stage. Don’t step on the stage of life without rehearsing your performance.

Tip 7 – Exercise. It helps you work harder, longer, and think more clearly. It increases your health span and your life span. WHile we exercise, we also listen to our tapes, so that we can layer those two activites together. And therefore, were not only exercising our bodies, but our brains at the same. Speaking of that….

Tip 8 – Layer your activities. Use your waiting time productively. Do two things at once. Listen to your tapes while exercising, driving, or standing in line. Constantly ask yourself this question: “Is this the most productive use of my time?”

Tip 9 – Write out goals daily. We learned this from Brian Tracy, who writes out his top goals each and everyday. See the twelth aha, page 54 for more information.

Tip 10 – Just say NO!. Don’t let other people dump their “monkey’s” on you. Sometimes you just have to say no.

One Minute Millionaire Mentoring Review

Every successful person has mentors. A mentor is a shortcut to perspective, proficiency, and patience.


1. Mentoring is powerful of leverage. Drawing from your mentor’s experience is the quickest, safest, easiest way to the climb millionaire mountain.


2. Mentors are everywhere. Each person you meet can “accidentally” teach you something to advance your cause.


3. Mentors don’t need to be people. Anything that causes you to change course in life – a life threatening disease, losing a job, reading a book, or an encounter with an animal – can serve as a mentor.


4. Constantly seek our mentoring relationships. When you find yourself lacking in anything – attitude, awareness, a skill, a habit, a technique, or a strategy – seek a mentor to show you the shortcut.


5. Assemble a Dream Team of your favorite heroes and sheroes, present and past. Form an imaginary council of light consisting of your selected leaders. Imagine being able to counsel with them as if they were communicating with you in person.


6. Set a goal to search out at least one millionaire a month. Request an audience, either in person, by phone, or by e-mal to pick your millionaire mentor’s brains.


7. The best kind of mentor is a transformational mentor. A transformational mentor creates a context in which you experience “ahas”.

You NEED a Mentor for success!

Through reading and constantly studying, I have learned that mentorship is one of the vital components to achieving success. Having a mentor to help guide an individual to success will automatically eliminate many other mistakes that an individual would make when on their journey. In business and entrepreneurship mistakes are common and will occur often. Having a mentor will greatly decrease the likely hood of the most common mistakes occurring.


The importance of having a mentor is easy to realize and understand. However, the process of finding a mentor may seem challenging. With the never ending opportunities within the internet and social media, finding a knowledgeable mentor is easier then ever.

The easiest way to find a mentor would be to look within your own circle of influences. Asking friends and family for references to individuals they know personally who are successful is a quick way to start your search. This strategy is also on a personal level, so some form of trust will already exist between you and your possible mentor.


With the easy access of the internet, the opportunity to connect with individuals globally has never been easier. Information and experience has never been more easily accessible then how it is now. The chance to pursue success has never been more abundant and available. If a mentor can not be found through personal references, the internet is freely open to all. Real estate is one of my methods I am personally researching to become financially free. Real estate gurus such as Donald Trump and Robert Kiyoaski provide tons of information for people to get started in real estate. Within any and every industry, successful people exist. Following in their guidance will ensure some level of personal success.  If you truly desire to be successful, you will find a way to achieve your dreams.

Personal Success

In our American Society we glorify success as expensice cars, clothes, and other meaningless possessions. As much as these items are interesting and appealing, they hold no real value. Not only are they worthless but their not what’s truly important. The generations before us centered their time and energy on providing for their families and saving for a rainy day. It appears to me that along the way we as a population, lost sight of our values and what’s important. The problem with our current lifestyle is that it is unsustainable. To much of the population doesn’t center their time providing for themselves. That causes them to rely on the government to provide for them. The government in return takes from those that are responsible for themselves.

Success isn’t the best fashion or the most expensive car. Success is what you make it. Personal success for me is freedom and comfort. Freedom from the demands of a job. Comfort to live, spend, and enjoy my life without barriers. On average a person spends 40 hours of their time at a job working for someone else. This time does not include transportation time, break time, and the stress that comes along with their job. Those hours that turn into days, that graduate into years, can never be replaced. Your time should not be bought off with an hourly wage. The sooner we notice the truth, the sooner we set our selves free from the slavery of a job.

Take action now!

Program Yourself for Success

Take action and change your Life!

Around November of 2011, I started my quest for success. I had no clue where to start looking or how to get started, but my determination to be successful was all I needed. Somehow or another I ended up on Youtube. My goal at the time, was to reach an unimaginable height of wealth. With that goal in mind, I began to research past videos on Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and other highly influential individuals. Doing my research I came upon Warren Buffets and Bill Gates views on the deregulation of energy. In a interview Warren Buffet announced that the deregulation of energy will be the biggest transfer of wealth in U.S history. The deregulation of energy is suppose to be bigger then deregulation of the Airlines industry, and  the Telecom industry. The energy industry is in the billions of dollars range and I wanted to be apart of it.


I still had no clue, what to do or how I would get invovled, but I continued to look around. At first my idea was to try and start my own ESCO company in New York City. The problem I faced was that I lacked business experience and jumping into a market I knew nothing about could be disastrous. However, I kept researching ESCO companies, and I found Ambit Energy. The company presented itself as a too good to be true offer. Never did I think it was possible to earn residual income off of the electricity bills of friends and family. I wasn’t easily convinced about the offer being presented, so it took me months to fully research the company. In the end I made the decision to commit to Ambit Energy,  but the result was a massive amount of time wasted by not getting started sooner.


In today’s economy jobs are disappearing at a alarming rate. With the advancement in technology and passing of certain laws by our politicians, now more then ever American workers are stuck in a non-advancing position. Ambit Energy has presented a wonderful opportunity to expand my income and not fully depend on my job to provide for me. I hope that the opportunities with Ambit Energy and the search for greater knowledge, will open many doors for you as it did for me.

A funny skit on the facts behind the Global Economy..

Its funny to watch, but the problems are very serious.

The truth has become contagious. Lets continue to spread it.

Increase your Financial IQ!

In today’s society many people find themselves working longer and harder to be broke. Even after clocking in 40 hours a week at work, the earned income is not fulfilling. To make up for the shortfalls in bills and entertainment, we place ourselves in debt.  It has become apparent that, most of society lacks a strong financial IQ. This can easily be seen through our current economic times. Since President Nixon ended the convertibility between U.S. dollars and Gold in 1971,the U.S currency continues to become worthless. Ninety Five percent of the U.S dollars value has been lost. Many Americans continue to save, without realizing that inflation is destroying their savings. If we as individuals all took the time to increase our financial IQ, many of the problems we face today, would be solved tomorrow.