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One minute millionaire – Time management tips

One minute millionaire by Robert G. Allen

Activity Management

Tip 1 – Focus on the critical few. Eighty-five percent of the things you do account for only 15% of your results. And vice versa. Therefore, only work on the critical things and y9ou’ll get there faster and with less effort.

Tip 2 – Learn how to procrastinate. Procrastination is absolutely essential to your success. Just make sure you procrastiante the right things. Put off 85% and tackle the 15%. Losers do jut the opposite. They tackle 85% and put off the 15%.

Tip 3 – Throw away your “to-do” list. Create instead an 85/15 list. Write the top-priority items at the top in the 15% box. Write the lower-priority items at the bottom. Only work on the top of your list.

Tip 4 – Reward yourself for doing the right things. There’s a great book by Micheal LebBoeuf, called GMP: The Greatest Management princicple in the world. Here’s the book in a nutshell: The Things That Get Rewarded Get Done. If you reward yourself for your most positive actions, you will get more of them done… almost effortlessly.

Tip 5 – Do your FTF: Feared Things First. Which activity on your list do you fear most? That’s your FTF. When you start your day, ask yourself, “What’s my FTF today?” Start your day with that activity. By training yourself to do your FTF, you uncounsiously urge yourself to tackle tougher tasks.

Tip 6- Do a daily power hour. Take a few minutes every day – it doesn’t need to be an hour – for planning. Planning is like a rehearsal. Every great actor rehearses many tomes before stepping on the stage. Don’t step on the stage of life without rehearsing your performance.

Tip 7 – Exercise. It helps you work harder, longer, and think more clearly. It increases your health span and your life span. WHile we exercise, we also listen to our tapes, so that we can layer those two activites together. And therefore, were not only exercising our bodies, but our brains at the same. Speaking of that….

Tip 8 – Layer your activities. Use your waiting time productively. Do two things at once. Listen to your tapes while exercising, driving, or standing in line. Constantly ask yourself this question: “Is this the most productive use of my time?”

Tip 9 – Write out goals daily. We learned this from Brian Tracy, who writes out his top goals each and everyday. See the twelth aha, page 54 for more information.

Tip 10 – Just say NO!. Don’t let other people dump their “monkey’s” on you. Sometimes you just have to say no.

Personal Success

In our American Society we glorify success as expensice cars, clothes, and other meaningless possessions. As much as these items are interesting and appealing, they hold no real value. Not only are they worthless but their not what’s truly important. The generations before us centered their time and energy on providing for their families and saving for a rainy day. It appears to me that along the way we as a population, lost sight of our values and what’s important. The problem with our current lifestyle is that it is unsustainable. To much of the population doesn’t center their time providing for themselves. That causes them to rely on the government to provide for them. The government in return takes from those that are responsible for themselves.

Success isn’t the best fashion or the most expensive car. Success is what you make it. Personal success for me is freedom and comfort. Freedom from the demands of a job. Comfort to live, spend, and enjoy my life without barriers. On average a person spends 40 hours of their time at a job working for someone else. This time does not include transportation time, break time, and the stress that comes along with their job. Those hours that turn into days, that graduate into years, can never be replaced. Your time should not be bought off with an hourly wage. The sooner we notice the truth, the sooner we set our selves free from the slavery of a job.

Take action now!

What kind of entrepreneur are you?

The following was copied out from the National Bestseller, Multiple streams of income by Robert G. Allen. Depending on who you are, what your interested in, and your expertise in certain areas, you will more then likely fit into 1 or more of these categories. Determine which category fits you personally, then learn how you can capitalize on it.

-Highly recommend Multiple streams of Income by Robert G. Allen, for all individuals to learn how they can escape the rat race.


Intrapreneur Skills: To influence, persuade, and to lead. 

1. Insurance agents get residual business.

2. Securities agents get residual sales.

3. Network marketers get residual income

4. Coporate managers get stock options.

Extrapreneur Skills: To be creative, to entertain. 

1. Songwriters earn royalties.

2. Actors get a piece of the action.

3. Visual Artists get royalties from paintings.

4. Game designers get royalities.

5. Celebrity endorsers get a gross percentage of profits.

6. Inventors get royalties.

Infopreneur Skills: To organize, to simplify, to teach.

1. Authors earn royalties from books and tapes.

2. Marketing Consultants get a percentage of profit or gross revenue

3. Franchisors get franchising fees.

4. Software creaters get royalties.

5. Internet Content providers get advertising revenues and royalties.

Autopreneur Skills: To analyze, to see hidden value, to invest. 

1. Entrepreneurs generate business profits.

2. Savings account owners earn interest.

3. Investors get dividends, interest, and appreciation.

4. Discount mortgagors earn interest.

5. Tax lien certificate holders earn interest penalties.

6. Mailing-list owners get rental fees.

7. Company pension plans offer income flow.

8. Venture partners get a percentage of profits.

9. Real Estate owners can get cash-flow profits.

You need to know this now!

Investment Opportunities has never been better!

Starting the year 2012 many opportunities await those who are ready to take action. The decline in the economy, along with the housing bust of 2006, has created a great time to invest. Opportunities lies everywhere, the problem is that our vision and minds must focused on finding those opportunities. Keeping that in mind, I have personally been absorbing as much information as possible to see what I can capitalize on.

Real Estate – The market for real estate seems dry, but investors are facing the best time to buy into the market. Sadly as many Americans cannot afford to live in their homes, the chance to purchase foreclosed properties has never been better. Fixing the property and turning it into a rental is a great long term investment for residual  income.  It is mandatory that proper due diligence is done first, before investing.

Silver/Gold- As the Federal Reserve prints more money to ease the the economic slowdown, the value of the dollar decreases. Savings accounts are becoming worthless since the interest rates on the account wont keep up with the rise in inflation.  The best way to hedge against inflation is purchase gold/silver.      Below is a link on gold, silver, and the investing potential behind it. Research the company before purchasing.                                                                                                

Internet Marketing- With the massive expansion of the internet, the opportunity to connect with millions at once, has never been better. With the growth in You tube, Facebook, Myspace, Linked and many more, offering a service or product to the world has never been easier. A business can be operated right at home. By looking further into this field and studying the market, the chance to earn extra income is in plain sight. Below is a link on benefits of internet marketing.                                                                     

Network Marketing- Network marketing is by the far the safest business opportunity of the 21st century. With massive loss of jobs across the country, the chance to be apart of another company has never been better. Most network marketing companies have lost start up cost, and step by step training to help individuals be just as successful. Some companies will seem better then others, but timing of the business is crucial. Jumping right into starting the business is the best way to start. From personal experience waiting even a few months couild mean the loss of in hundreds of dollars in residual income.       Below is a link to my network marketing company capitalizing on the deregulation of energy. Their’s never been a better time to earn money off monthly electric bills.      

What most people turn on the TV and see is a country in a recession. The truth is that the transfer of money from one person to another is still occurring. The old idea of depending on someone to pay you a nice salary is fading. Corporations are looking for cheaper employees. It’s time to use our minds and expand the actions we take. Take your time+money and invest in your future!

Silver is the next best investment

Wanna protect your savings against inflation? Buy Silver, and buy it now!

Is your home an investment?

Article BY: Vedran Vuk –

Through reading Robert Kiyosaki’s books such as “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, “Prophecy”, and “Cashflow Quadrant”. A house is a liabilty it does not place money into your pockets. If you turn your home into an investment property where you rent out your free space, it becomes an asset. With that said, it’s important that we as a society know the difference between the two. Increasing our financial IQ will prevent another housing boom-bust and prepare you for future investment opportunities.

Think Opportunity

The video is a great idea to get people thinking in terms of what they can use to boost their income. Think of something you are passionate about. Can it fill the needs of people? If it can, you have just created an idea. Do your due diligence on the market of your idea and look at competitors to get a better understanding.

We are all already wealthy.

He makes such a valid point. When you value what you already have, you take care of it. You do what is necessary to preserve or advance what you have. To become wealthy we must value our lives as it is, and from their we will prosper.