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One minute millionaire – Time management tips

One minute millionaire by Robert G. Allen

Activity Management

Tip 1 – Focus on the critical few. Eighty-five percent of the things you do account for only 15% of your results. And vice versa. Therefore, only work on the critical things and y9ou’ll get there faster and with less effort.

Tip 2 – Learn how to procrastinate. Procrastination is absolutely essential to your success. Just make sure you procrastiante the right things. Put off 85% and tackle the 15%. Losers do jut the opposite. They tackle 85% and put off the 15%.

Tip 3 – Throw away your “to-do” list. Create instead an 85/15 list. Write the top-priority items at the top in the 15% box. Write the lower-priority items at the bottom. Only work on the top of your list.

Tip 4 – Reward yourself for doing the right things. There’s a great book by Micheal LebBoeuf, called GMP: The Greatest Management princicple in the world. Here’s the book in a nutshell: The Things That Get Rewarded Get Done. If you reward yourself for your most positive actions, you will get more of them done… almost effortlessly.

Tip 5 – Do your FTF: Feared Things First. Which activity on your list do you fear most? That’s your FTF. When you start your day, ask yourself, “What’s my FTF today?” Start your day with that activity. By training yourself to do your FTF, you uncounsiously urge yourself to tackle tougher tasks.

Tip 6- Do a daily power hour. Take a few minutes every day – it doesn’t need to be an hour – for planning. Planning is like a rehearsal. Every great actor rehearses many tomes before stepping on the stage. Don’t step on the stage of life without rehearsing your performance.

Tip 7 – Exercise. It helps you work harder, longer, and think more clearly. It increases your health span and your life span. WHile we exercise, we also listen to our tapes, so that we can layer those two activites together. And therefore, were not only exercising our bodies, but our brains at the same. Speaking of that….

Tip 8 – Layer your activities. Use your waiting time productively. Do two things at once. Listen to your tapes while exercising, driving, or standing in line. Constantly ask yourself this question: “Is this the most productive use of my time?”

Tip 9 – Write out goals daily. We learned this from Brian Tracy, who writes out his top goals each and everyday. See the twelth aha, page 54 for more information.

Tip 10 – Just say NO!. Don’t let other people dump their “monkey’s” on you. Sometimes you just have to say no.

One Minute Millionaire Mentoring Review

Every successful person has mentors. A mentor is a shortcut to perspective, proficiency, and patience.


1. Mentoring is powerful of leverage. Drawing from your mentor’s experience is the quickest, safest, easiest way to the climb millionaire mountain.


2. Mentors are everywhere. Each person you meet can “accidentally” teach you something to advance your cause.


3. Mentors don’t need to be people. Anything that causes you to change course in life – a life threatening disease, losing a job, reading a book, or an encounter with an animal – can serve as a mentor.


4. Constantly seek our mentoring relationships. When you find yourself lacking in anything – attitude, awareness, a skill, a habit, a technique, or a strategy – seek a mentor to show you the shortcut.


5. Assemble a Dream Team of your favorite heroes and sheroes, present and past. Form an imaginary council of light consisting of your selected leaders. Imagine being able to counsel with them as if they were communicating with you in person.


6. Set a goal to search out at least one millionaire a month. Request an audience, either in person, by phone, or by e-mal to pick your millionaire mentor’s brains.


7. The best kind of mentor is a transformational mentor. A transformational mentor creates a context in which you experience “ahas”.

Increase your Financial IQ!

In today’s society many people find themselves working longer and harder to be broke. Even after clocking in 40 hours a week at work, the earned income is not fulfilling. To make up for the shortfalls in bills and entertainment, we place ourselves in debt.  It has become apparent that, most of society lacks a strong financial IQ. This can easily be seen through our current economic times. Since President Nixon ended the convertibility between U.S. dollars and Gold in 1971,the U.S currency continues to become worthless. Ninety Five percent of the U.S dollars value has been lost. Many Americans continue to save, without realizing that inflation is destroying their savings. If we as individuals all took the time to increase our financial IQ, many of the problems we face today, would be solved tomorrow.

Warren Buffet and the rest are fools!

Do your research!

Summer Business ideas

As the summer beings many students will be looking for ways to gain income. With the depressing statistics from, 45%of young adults  are jobless. The highest levels since World War 2.  The time to think outside of a job has never been better.

1. Car Washing – As the weather gets nicer, the demand for clean cars increases. The opportunity to open your own car washing service has never been better. If a decent size of land cannot be found, try taking your business mobile. Offer to wash cars at a customers residence or business.

2. Baby Sitting – As the school term nears to an end, many families will need their kids to be occupied while at work. The perfect time to start advertising babysitting is now.

3. Window Cleaning – with very low start up cost, window cleaning is an ideal business for any age. Many residential homes and businesses will want their windows clean with the changing weather. Capitalizing on fulfilling this need for others, has the potential to add decent income for the summer.

4. Dog Walking – In our society, pets are treated like actually family members. Alot of times people may not have the time or energy available to walk their dogs. Putting out some fliers and connecting with those in your neighborhood is a great way to get started. Charging $20 to watch someone’s pet is decent. Turn that 1 client into 5 or 6 a day and at the end of the week an individual could make $600. Expand your business by hiring others and your profits could increase.

5. Lawn Mowing –  Most people don’t want to waste the time or energy mowing their lawns. This is a great way for a upcoming entrepreneur to get into the business and make some extra cash. An hour’s work for $20 make not seem like worthy, but add on 5-6 houses a day and the profits will come in.

Due Diligence should be done in each market, to fully be successful. Some businesses may require you to register with the state as a legal entity. Marketing strategies should also be set in place, to reach customers within your target area.

How to become wealthy – Tin Can theory

1. Pay yourself first and dont spend it.

2. Build a safe foundation. (Know how to not lose your money)

-Become wealthy today! Just by properly saving and putting your funds into safer accounts.

You need to know this now!

5 Markets beating the Real Estate Bust!

As most investors know a downed economy is the time to buy, and a booming economy is the time to sell. Their are neighborhoods nationally that have foreclosed homes, but are in need a of landlords to rent from. Buy–> Hold–> Earn residual income for the long term.

Reported by Yahoo finance. 

1. Elmira, New York

Median home sales price: $103,400
Median sales price growth from 2008 to 2011: up 18%

2. Davenport, Iowa

Median home sales price: $109,900
Median sales price growth from 2008 to 2011: up 17%

3. Buffalo, New York

Median home sales price: $119,200
Median sales price growth from 2008 to 2011: up 13.1%

4. Shreveport, Louisiana

Median home sales price: $156,200
Median sales price growth from 2008 to 2011: up 12.8%

5. Indianapolis, Indiana

Median home sales price: $123,900
Median sales price growth from 2008 to 2011: up 11.4%

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Investment Opportunities has never been better!

Starting the year 2012 many opportunities await those who are ready to take action. The decline in the economy, along with the housing bust of 2006, has created a great time to invest. Opportunities lies everywhere, the problem is that our vision and minds must focused on finding those opportunities. Keeping that in mind, I have personally been absorbing as much information as possible to see what I can capitalize on.

Real Estate – The market for real estate seems dry, but investors are facing the best time to buy into the market. Sadly as many Americans cannot afford to live in their homes, the chance to purchase foreclosed properties has never been better. Fixing the property and turning it into a rental is a great long term investment for residual  income.  It is mandatory that proper due diligence is done first, before investing.

Silver/Gold- As the Federal Reserve prints more money to ease the the economic slowdown, the value of the dollar decreases. Savings accounts are becoming worthless since the interest rates on the account wont keep up with the rise in inflation.  The best way to hedge against inflation is purchase gold/silver.      Below is a link on gold, silver, and the investing potential behind it. Research the company before purchasing.                                                                                                

Internet Marketing- With the massive expansion of the internet, the opportunity to connect with millions at once, has never been better. With the growth in You tube, Facebook, Myspace, Linked and many more, offering a service or product to the world has never been easier. A business can be operated right at home. By looking further into this field and studying the market, the chance to earn extra income is in plain sight. Below is a link on benefits of internet marketing.                                                                     

Network Marketing- Network marketing is by the far the safest business opportunity of the 21st century. With massive loss of jobs across the country, the chance to be apart of another company has never been better. Most network marketing companies have lost start up cost, and step by step training to help individuals be just as successful. Some companies will seem better then others, but timing of the business is crucial. Jumping right into starting the business is the best way to start. From personal experience waiting even a few months couild mean the loss of in hundreds of dollars in residual income.       Below is a link to my network marketing company capitalizing on the deregulation of energy. Their’s never been a better time to earn money off monthly electric bills.      

What most people turn on the TV and see is a country in a recession. The truth is that the transfer of money from one person to another is still occurring. The old idea of depending on someone to pay you a nice salary is fading. Corporations are looking for cheaper employees. It’s time to use our minds and expand the actions we take. Take your time+money and invest in your future!

Silver is the next best investment

Wanna protect your savings against inflation? Buy Silver, and buy it now!